Saturday, November 22, 2008

Two Brothers

Cain and Abel - the first brothers on earth;
They lived atop a mountain so happy and gay.
Sporting and racing everyday on the hillside
And running home at the dusk, tired and torn.

Cain jumps to his bed and he falls asleep soon,
But Abel goes on his knees before his God.
He takes stock of the day and thanks the Heavenly Father
For all the fun and sport he had all along the day.

Days went by; weather changed many times;
They grew in size, their perspective entirely different!
To avert famine, farming is best; Cain took to farming,
He won in it, plenty of grains he reaped.
Store houses, he built one after the other.
Cain laid hope in his strength and in his wisdom.

Abel grew in humility and knew, how fragile
A man, if divine providence does not avail..!
Abel loved sheep so he became a shepherd;
Every day, he bowed his head before Almighty
And renewed his friendship with the eternal father!
Before any work he started, he prayed to God;
Before he eat anything, he raised his bread to
Heaven, and thanked god for the meal he was given..!
In every laughter and in every sorrow,
He praised and thanked, and thanked God always!

Cain felt awe at Abel's way of living;
For he abhorred all time worship and thanks giving;
"Who knows there is a God in heaven, and
Has anyone seen him anywhere above?
If God is there in heaven let Him be there;
For our meals, we must thrive hard.
Let god live happily in heaven
Enough work he may have there,
Why we drag him to ground, here we are masters!!
At our whims and fancies we will live here."
This was the attitude Cain kept throughout his life.

Blasphemy! Blasphemy! Abel thought in mind
But he did not dare to argue, for he knew his brother,
Cruelty to co-creatures was craze for him,
Hence he prayed to god for his enlightenment.
And Abel stealthily continued his way of life.
Every day he went nearer to heavenly father.

Cain got bumper crops once, joy made him mad!
"Plenty of grain I’ve got, all my skill and effort,
I will enjoy it alone for I won it by my skill."
From the heap he took some grain carelessly
And made an offering to heavenly Father;
When found no sign of acceptance he scared not a bit.
For his faith in God was mere an assumption.

For Abel God was a real perception
He worshiped God with his whole heart
And knew Him by blood and soul;
Each breath he took was for His glory,
And every thought was an offering to God!

He took his sheep to wide pastures for grazing,
And led them to calm waters for drinking,
Often he knelt on the green grass spread before him
And looked up on the blue sky to see God's face;
He thanked God for the growing herd he was given,
And the wide pastures for grazing them well;

Among the herd he selected a wholesome lamb
And with great devotion he made a grateful offering.
By opening the sky with lightning and thunder
God accepted the offering, and pleased in him.
"Lo, Wind, thunder, fume, lightning and fire,
What the heck is happening there,"
Cain ran to Abel’s den, to see what’s going on.
From Abel’s description he learned
God came down to accept his offering!
Cain perceived, God is not a myth, He is a reality.

The thought, Abel will win all the love of God
Made Cain once again mad, his wrath roused,
His jealousy went up, for vengeance
He accused discrimination from the part of God;
And Cain hit Abel violently on his face
The most brutal and inhuman crime
Firstly happened on earth, the soil was
Soaked with his brother’s flowing blood;
Abel breathed his last!

Soon Abel was taken to Lord’s lap
There he was crowned in heaven’s glory and got
All the mirth and glee that Heaven alone had!!

The earth, the plants, and all the creatures in the world
Turned against Cain; he lost all that he had earned hard,
And could not produce any more! Who can stand
When the whole nature turns enemy to someone?

Worship God; He is the master of all, avert all type of
Sacrilegious deeds from our life;
Otherwise ruin and disaster will carry us away!
Cain led a desperate life later;
Died of poverty, disease, and full of sufferings!
Leave aside all hatred jealous and vengeance,
For it will lead to bloodshed and disasters!!

Your each deed is a seed to germinate and produce
And it will bring you tenfold return from each of it;
If your deed is good and virtuous you will reap virtues,
If it is of evils, prepare to fill your bag with full of evils.
You are your Destiny Makers; why you abuse your Lord?
He has given the covenant to make your life brighter
Obey His Words and follow his ways
And make your life more cheerful and meaningful!

~ Sebastian

Copyright © 2008 - All rights reserved.
Picture courtesy Honolulu Academy of Arts

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